Things that go into winemaking
Let's get technical
Deep deep inside I am a science lover
A vote For More Regulation
Imagine for a minute a crazy world. Imagine you live just outside Atlanta, Georgia. You own a Peach farm and produce preserved peaches. You work hard to improve the quality of your product and your efforts pay off, you start to get inquireries from folk in Delaware about purchasing some of your Peach preserves. Now imagine this: you can’t simply ship your product to Delawa ...
Evening Glass
I just got back to the ranch from a surf trip to the Baja Peninsula and I am still hovering a few inches off the ground. There is nothing like a surf trip that goes well, trust me, I know. Larry, my surf buddy and I left San Francisco at 6 Am and we were surfing our first waves at Shipwrecks (on the east cape) by 4:30 PM that day. It was almost dark by the time I paddled in. Dr ...